

Exterior Painting

Painting your home’s exterior not only improves curb appeal, but provides years of protection. We start with a thorough pressure wash and then dedicate the full crew to prep work: Sanding, scraping, caulking, priming and more. All before a single drop of paint touches your home.

Drywall Repair

Whether stained from a water leak or an accidental hole in the wall, our experts will repair all damaged drywall. Also, as part as our interior prep process, all minor cracks, holes and nail pops are repaired at no extra charge. 

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Carpentry Repair

Exterior wood rot only gets worse with time, risking more serious damage to your home’s exterior. We will identify problem areas in siding, fascia, soffits, trim, windows or doors – and repair or replace prior to painting.



Interior Painting

Completely change the look and feel of your home with fresh new colors. If you are moving in or just want a change, make a statement. If you are moving out, go neutral for a quicker sale.  And keep in mind that we are happy to provide our expertise to help with color selection.


Deck Staining and Repair

Enhance, protect and beautify your wood surfaces. We’ll recommend the right coating for the situation – semi-transparent, solid stain, toners, elastomeric coatings, etc. We also repair loose or rotten flooring boards, railings, spindles and stairs.


Ceiling Texture Removal

Removing “popcorn” texture from your ceiling is a messy job. Very messy. Let us take care of it for you. All surfaces are covered with care, popcorn removed, drywall repaired with mud and tape, then sanded, primed and painted.